Coughlin Chevrolet Buick GMC Newark

TRUCK MONTH!!! See associate for details.

Mar 22, 2024

Your GMC is a beast that can handle just about anything, but to keep your ride doing things at full power, choosing the right parts is a must. OEM parts made by the Original Equipment Manufacturer are exactly what your GMC dealer will recommend to keep your car at peak performance.

GMC tires with logo.

Professional Performance 

Parts made by the original manufacturer are the gold standard for making sure your ride performs exactly as you expect, whether that’s towing, cruising, or just being the best-looking vehicle in the parking lot. Aftermarket parts can be hit or miss, but with genuine parts, you’re getting the power and performance that comes with parts meant for your vehicle.

It’s Like They’re Made for Each Other

That’s because they are! Genuine parts are the perfect match for your GMC, tailored to fit like a glove. No forcing the issue or modifying parts will be needed here. This means everything in your ride works as smoothly as intended, from how your engine purrs to how your truck glides over bumps. Avoiding odd fits and mismatches keeps things running just as they should.

OEM Parts Are Built Tough, Just Like Your GMC

GMCs are tough, that’s a given. Brand-name parts are designed to take whatever your ride’s daily adventures throw at them. Cheap aftermarket parts aren’t necessarily built to the same standards as parts straight from GMC, so there’s no way to tell if they’ll hold up. Opting for genuine parts means you’re less likely to see them wear out quickly, saving you from swapping out parts more often than you’d like.

No Warranty Worries

Messing with aftermarket parts might get you in a pickle with your warranty. Stick with genuine parts, and you keep your warranty happy and intact, which is a big win if you ever need to make a claim. Plus, most parts from GMC come with their own warranty so that if something unexpected goes wrong, you’re covered. Most aftermarket parts can’t say that.

Decision-Making Made Easy

Ever find yourself staring at a wall of parts, wondering which one to choose? Brand-name parts sidestep the confusion. There’s usually just one specific part designed for your repair, making it easy to pick without second-guessing if you’ve got the right one.

Pick Out Your Parts at the GMC Dealer

Need your part-buying experience to be even easier? Just head to your local dealership. Genuine GMC parts are the only kind we’ll use. Plus, we know exactly which part your vehicle needs. We’ll be happy to order and install it for you, getting you and your car out in no time.

Brand-name parts are the smart play for anyone looking to maintain their GMC’s powerful performance. Ready to schedule service for your vehicle? Call Coughlin GM of Newark in Newark, OH, today.